QEEG Brain Mapping
Ever wanted to know what was really going on inside your brain?
Well, now you can find out!
QEEG Brain Mapping is cutting-edge, non-invasive technology that measures and analyses the electrical activity occurring in your brain. A cap containing many sensors is placed on the scalp, capturing the electrical signals produced by the brain's billions of interconnected neurons. These signals, known as electroencephalograms (EEGs), reflect the brain's activity and can provide valuable insights into various neural processes.
With the aid of advanced technology and databases, the data is processed and transformed into comprehensive visual maps of the brain. These maps are what we call QEEG Brain Maps.
What is QEEG Brain Mapping?
Why do we use brain mapping?
We use QEEGs for our initial assessment, to thoroughly understand how your brain is operating on a conscious and subconscious level, and how it is communicating across various areas in the brain. Using the brain maps, we can design your Neurofeedback training program to suit your specific needs. They are also have an objective and accurate reference to track your progress throughout training.
The process? It involves nothing more than wearing a sensor cap (like a swimming cap or football headgear) to see what your brain is doing. No inputs go into your head and zero risk or affects to your health.
Here at SWITCH, we re-map your brain every 6-8 weeks so you can see your brain changing with your training.
How does a QEEG work?
The brain mapping process takes place in our office under the care of our clinical psychologist Abbey Ferris. During our initial assessment there are several other tasks undertaken, however the QEEG process takes about 30 minutes. It’s comfortable and painless with no affects or risks to your safety.
During the recording you sit in a comfortable chair wearing a cap with electrodes that record 19 sites on your head. We take two sets of readings of your brainwave activity – one with your eyes open and one with your eyes closed – about five minutes each. It’s as simple as that!
Our analysis compares the results with a database of other people the same age to see if your brain deviates significantly from the average or norm and where those deviations lie.
The brain mapping process looks very similar to what a neurologist does when conducting a conventional EEG. However, a qEEG brain map analyses very different information than what the neurologist does.
What are the benefits?
QEEG brain maps are useful for identifying EEG bio markers that could give clues to a treatment strategy and diagnosis concerning a wide range of health concerns. It can help diagnose and treat anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, ADD, TBIs, dementia, sleep problems, and a lot more brain-related issues.
QEEG can help untangle the mess, rule out the improbable, and create clarity so you can put your energy to use where it makes a difference. It can be particularly helpful if you have a complicated scenario. For instance, if you’ve been through a number of therapists or medications without success.
Assists in identifying problems with brain timing.
Pinpoints specific areas of the brain that are not functioning optimally that can impact mood, behavior, attention, sleep, learning and more.
Helps indicate which interventions and neurofeedback protocols to target.
Provides information that can suggest which class of medications is appropriate or not suitable to the problem. (This knowledge can help reduce prescribing by trial and error).
Helps explain why remedies tried up to that point haven’t worked.
A major benefit of brain mapping is that there are several types of maps that are used to help address specific key areas of the brain. The connectivity map is most often used to help identify key brain patterns associated with a learning disability, concussion, seizure disorder or depression. Other types of maps look at brain patterns present in mood disorders, attention, anxiety, sleep issues and other neurological problems. At SWITCH we produce all of these maps to identify any issues that you may be experiencing to give you the best chance to perform at your best.
QEEG for Peak Performers
Elite athletes - NFL quarterback Kirk Cousins, Tiger Woods and more!
NASA astronauts
World class soccer clubs - Real Madrid, Chelsea, AC Milan, and more)
The London School of Music
CEOs and high performance professions such as real estate agents, solicitors, and our own psychologist!
At SWITCH we use latest functional brain imaging technology known as Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) Brain Scans and 3-Dimensional Brain Mapping, using Low- resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA).We have partnered with The Peak Brain Institute of LA and a world famous leader in the field, Dr Andrew Hill, to bring the highest quality service and assured results.
QEEG is state-of-the-art Biofeedback
Are you interested in biohacking? QEEG brain maps are the absolute peak of biofeedback.
A QEEG may sound slightly intimidating, it is simply a biofeedback tool similar to devices we use all the time in our daily lives. Apple watch, Fitbits, Biostrap, Whoop, Heart monitors, insulin sensors, high-end exercise equipment are all examples of simple biofeedback devices. And each one helps us understand what is happening internally so we can guard our health and improve ourselves more effectively.
How we change based on that biofeedback is referred to as conscious-based learning. We receive the information and then consciously decide what to do with that information. Neurofeedback Therapy, the therapeutic element of QEEG, trains your mind on what I like to call a non-conscious level. Rather than consciously striving toward a goal, it helps you teach your brain how to reinforce positive brain functioning through a process of conditioning and reward.
Book a discovery call now
Do you want to know if QEEG Brain Maps and Neurofeedback is the right fit for you and your situation? Our principal Clinical Psychologist, Abbey Ferris, offers a free 15 minute call to discuss your circumstances and see what we can do to help you.
Contact our team to book now via the link below.