What is Neurofeedback Therapy?
Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback or neurotherapy, makes use of the brain’s capacity to change and reshape itself. It is a way to directly train the brain to function better. Neurofeedback is based on 40+ years of research; it can sharpen attention, improve sleep, relieve anxiety, enhance mood, and improve learning, and behaviour (all without medication).
Neurofeedback is non-invasive safe technology that simply teaches your brain what to do differently. At SWITCH we use leading edge techniques to provide you the ability to strengthen your cognitive weaknesses, to re-route thought patterns and break emotional habits... this can be life-changing! High performers achieve enhanced focus, mental resilience, memory, and decision ability.
Other therapies tend to focus on changing behaviour, thoughts or skills... Neurofeedback CHANGES your BRAIN with no side effects!
What can Neurofeedback Therapy treat?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Sleep problems
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS)
Headaches and migraines
Anger Management
Stress related conditions
Parkinson’s Disease
How does Neurofeedback Therapy work?
We place a few EEG sensors on your scalp that read your brain waves and show you them on the computer screen. These sensors compare your brains electrical activity to the targets/goals for brain change. Then you get immediate feedback (every half a second) via sounds and images on the computer monitor that tells you when your brain reaches your targets and when you do not.
You are simply watching a movie or playing a game on the computer monitor. Every time your brain reaches the target - you get a reward (a beep, a change in the game etc). Brain goes "oo I like that" and does it again. Overtime, your brain learns, via rewards, to work for you!
How long do the changes last?
Well...in 20 neurofeedback sessions, with feedback every half second, you get 72,000 chances to learn! That’s a lot of repetition and practice! Brain science has shown that repetitive exercise of brain networks results in long lasting brain change. This is called neuroplasticity. Once the brain has reshaped or learnt something with enough practice... you don't lose it. It's like learning to ride a bike, once you learn and practice, you know how, no matter how long it might be between bike rides.
To achieve long-lasting change, the research and anecdotal evidence suggest, 20 to 40 sessions is required. This is not a guaranteed window and every individual is different. We always conduct a QEEG Brain Map and detailed assessment with our Principal Clinical Psychologist Abbey Ferris to do a thorough analysis, to ensure we clearly understand your goals, and to gain a better understanding of how we can best help you achieve them.
‘’The research literature suggests that EEG biofeedback therapy (Neurofeedback Therapy) should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas. In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy, it would be universally accepted and widely used.’’
— Frank Duffy, MD, Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Head of Neuroimaging and Neuroimaging Research at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Book a discovery call now
Do you want to know if QEEG Brain Maps and Neurofeedback is the right fit for you and your situation? Our principal Clinical Psychologist, Abbey Ferris, offers a free 15 minute call to discuss your circumstances and see what we can do to help you.
Contact our team to book now via the link below.