Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. More than two million Australians suffer from it every year. Around one in four Australians will experience anxiety at some point during their lives. If you are suffering, you are not alone and we are here to help.
There is a normal level of anxiety, for example, when you feel nervous before giving a presentation. However, individuals with an anxiety condition can experience symptoms without any apparent reason, such as frequent rapid breathing and/or sweaty hands.
Types of Anxiety
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety
Panic Disorder
Specific Phobias
Separation Anxiety
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Symptoms of Anxiety
Panic attacks
Rapid breathing
Feeling tense or nervous for no obvious reason
Tightening of chest or racing heart
Avoiding specific situations which will create an increase in feelings of anxiety
Catastrophizing thoughts (e.g., worst-case scenario will occur)
Intense feelings of worry
Immense fear
Trouble sleeping